Knowledge Base

How to partition, format, and mount your block storage

Setting up your block storage is quick and easy. Here are the steps to follow in Linux such as Debian/Ubuntu

  1. SSH into your server and use the command lsblk to check the name of the added block storage. It will typically be listed as /dev/vdb.

  2. Install parted if not already installed, using apt install parted

  3. Execute the following sequence of CLI commands

    parted /dev/vdb
    mklabel gpt
    mkpart primary 0% 100%
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1 <- This takes a while depending on the size of your storage. Be patient.

  4. Create a folder where you want the new partition mounted using the command mkdir /mnt/hdd (can name it what you want).

  5. Use the command mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/hdd to mount the new partition.

  6. run the following CLI command to automatically mount the partition at boot echo "/dev/vdb1 /mnt/hdd ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

  7. Verify the new partition is properly mounted by using the command df -h. This should show /dev/vdb1 and it's size mounted to /hdd

That's it! Enjoy your new persistent large storage space.

Feel free to contact our customer support if you need assistance with any of these steps.

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